Sunshine Capture the Flag (CTF)
Join us for our 4th annual SunshineCTF, an entry-level WRESTLING THEMED CTF built by Hack@UCF for B-Sides Orlando. Challenge areas include reverse engineering, web security, cryptography, pwn, forensics, and miscellaneous. This CTF runs from 9am EST on Saturday, March 30th until 9pm EST Sunday, March 31st. This extended period is intended to allow participants time to solve some of our harder challenges. Sunshine CTF is attended worldwide, but only attendees are eligible to receive an epic trophy at closing ceremonies.
Lockpick Village (LPV)
The Lockpick Village is a physical security demonstration and participation area. Visitors can learn about the vulnerabilities of various locking devices, techniques used to exploit these vulnerabilities, and practice on locks of various levels of difficultly to try it themselves. By exploring the faults and flaws in many popular lock designs, you can not only learn about the fun hobby of sportpicking, but also gain a much stronger knowledge about the best methods and practices for protecting your own property.
IoT Capture the Flag (IoT CTF)
The Internet of Things paved the way for smart devices to transmit data over the wire. With product-to-market agility as their priority, manufacturers rarely prioritize security resulting in “bolted on” fixes for their products. We’ve provided the hardware, so come try your hand at breaking into common IoT devices. Participants are provided included manuals and tips on getting started.
Make your way to the IoT Hall to get your hack on. Check the B-Sides Orlando website under Event -> Activities for a list of devices to hack. Record your best hack and post it to Twitter with #BSidesOrl2019-IoT. The person or team with the most likes by 4:30pm will receive a prize during closing ceremonies.